I think sometimes people make things way too complicated.
My story is mine to tell, the details of my story are mine to tell.
Your story is yours. Your details are yours to share.
The fact that I choose to share my story and my details has no effect whatsoever on you, your program of choice, or mine.
The fact that you choose not to share your story or your details is something that I respect and also has no effect on me.
This is one of those things where there is more than enough room at the table for everyone.
We have this crazy, strong, common thread that ties us all together in this gigantic, complex intricately woven story of people who are free.
We have to stop fighting against one another and singling each other out over details that don’t really matter.
At the end of the day our job is to go out into this world and to share our hope with other people who are still struggling, suffering, and stuck.
So whether or not you believe in a higher power, God, Jesus, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Celebrate Recovery, Smart Recovery or any other number of group meetings, programs, cognitive behavioral therapies, meditation, exercise- whatever…
I’m pretty sure that we can all come together and agree that everyone’s life matters and everyone deserves to feel what it feels like to live a life without self-destruction driving and shame dictating.
Be nice.
Thanks for this. It’s so simple when you cut away all the extra.