I spent years blaming and replaying undeserved pain or unnecessary hurt again and again in my head. I suffocated, as I waited around for apologies and my spirit became infected by bitterness, regret, and self-pity. Wallowing is a damaging state to survive in.
At some point we have to unpack, feel the pain, sit with it, process it, and face the truth. It’s our job to start walking forward toward the life we want to create. We aren’t obligated to stay stuck, or destined for turmoil, but no one will do the work for us.
God has a purpose for our lives. He’ll use us, regardless of where we came from or how far down we’ve drifted into our circumstances, but we have to take that first step toward that person we want to become. It’s up to us to draw near to God. We have to choose a different path. God follows through on every single one of his promises, but doesn’t take hostages. He embraces, revives, redirects, and rebuilds lives freely submitted to Him. You’ll end up being that person who feels more like you than you’ve ever felt before.
It’s liberating to know and believe this truth. We aren’t forever tied down to our past. We have choices.